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Report 1 of 2024

Regional bus service contracts – Phase 1

regional bus services contract report - thumbnail

Audit snapshot

What we reviewed and why

Under the Passenger Transport Act 1994 (PTA) we are required to review the probity of the procurement of regional bus services and examine the contracts awarded to the operators of those services.

Managing and maintaining probity in a procurement process is important to ensure procurement decisions are fair, transparent and defensible.

What we concluded

For the probity of the process leading up to awarding the service contracts we concluded that:

  • we did not identify any specific probity matters that indicated the probity of the procurement process was compromised 
  • Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) designed and implemented processes for conducting the procurement consistent with sound probity principles 
  • DIT maintained sufficient documentation of the process consistent with appropriate probity standards, except in four specific areas 
  • DIT could improve some of its practices and procedures for future procurements.

In examining the service contracts, we concluded that they met PTA requirements and included a broad range of contractual provisions that should help to protect the State’s interests.

DIT will need robust processes to effectively manage the contracts and any related operational, legal and financial risks.

Key facts

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regional bus contract report - key fact 2.1
regional bus contract report - key fact 3.1

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